Ibn e Kaleem
- Handwriting
- Ibn e Kaleem

Hafiz Muhammad Iqbal Ahsan Khan, Alias Ibn-e-Kaleem was born in 1946 in Langah Chishti Family, Mohallah Qadirabad Multan. He got his primary education and Hif-e-Quran from his grandfather Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah Chishti. He also studied Persian & Arabic from his grandfather. He got regular training of the Art of Calligraphy from his father Late Muhammad Hassan Khan, Kaleem Raqam who expired in 1971.
In his practical life, Mr. Ibn-e-Kaleem devoted his full attention to the art of Calligraphy & invented a new Style of Calligraphy which is known as “KHAT-E-RA’ANA (خطِ رعنا)”. He is also a good Journalist & Social Worker.
In 1974 he was elected un-opposed president of the “KHUSH-NAWEES UNION MULTAN”, and formed an organization of the art of Calligraphy under the name of “DABISTAN FAROGH-E-KHATTATI ®”. This organization is well – famed in the field of the Art of Islamic Calligraphy.
Ibn-e-Kaleem, in 1976 – 77, made a thorough research on seven different styles in the art of Islamic Calligraphy & several exhibitions were held in different big towns of Pakistan. Ibn-e-Kaleem was honoured with the title of “Khattat – e – Haft Qalam” by the president, Dabistan – e – Khattati, Multan in a ceremony held on 04th September, 1977.
In February 1978, in Seret Conference, Rawalpindi, the work of Ibn-e-Kaleem was highly appreciated by the Chief Martial Law Administrator General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haque & he issued instructions to provide all possible financial help to Ibn-e-Kaleem.
In March 1978, in Hajj Conference held in Multan, the work of Mr. Ibn-e-Kaleem at the topic of Hajj was highly appreciated by the Minister of Religious Affairs Mr. A. K. Brohi.
In April 1978, at National Centre Multan, an Exhibition of Islamic Calligraphy was held. This Exhibition was inaugurated by the Secretary of Commerce and Trade who appreciated & applauded the art of Ibn-e-Kaleem.
Ibn-e-Kaleem is the author of two books on Calligraphy, one of which was printed in 1977, under the name of “Tareekh Fan-e-Khattati” and the second book was printed in June, 1978 which is known as “Naqoosh-e-Ra’ana” alias “Muraqqua-e-Khattati”. This book was presented to the Honourable Delegates participated in Islamic Conference held at Karachi. The Ambassadors of Islamic States applauded this Book & Mr. Ibn-e-Kaleem was congratulated for his Art & Islamic Calligraphy.
During his recent visit to Multan on 2nd August, 1978, the Chief Martial Law Administrator General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq has awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2000/- to Mr. Ibn-e-Kaleem” on his splendid work on the art of Calligraphy & desired to put him up the suggestions and proposals for the improvement and to familiarize the Art of Islamic Calligraphy throughout Islamic World.